Computer Center
- Mjk College has a well equipped centralized computer center to cater to the needs of high profile students and faculty in the college. It is housed, in a magnificent state-of-the-art building having specialized laboratories to provide variety of platforms and computing environment for UG, and research students. The center possesses a servers and over 60 Compaq Pentium-IV computer systems.
- The center is fully networked through high-end intelligent CISCO switch, and possesses round the clock 2 Mbps leased line for the Wi-Fi connectivity for the academic and administrative blocks of the campus, with internet facilities on all the nodes.
- Computer programming is an integral part of BCA/BIT programs. Besides computer center is also used for conduct of short term training programs for staff and faculty. Further computer center houses the Microsoft MSDN Academy with licensed Microsoft softwares made available to all the faculty and students
- Mjk College presently has around 60 computers connected as a LAN in its computer center providing internet access (2 Mbps) and programming facilities to all software related laboratories of all the departments of the college, predominantly BCA and BIT departments.
- The academic buildings/library/administrative blocks are interconnected using Wi-Fi with limited number of access points. The Administrative Block, Training and Placement Block, Convocation Hall and Library are also connected .